What is Roguelike Key Features, Top Games and More - thegamerian.com The Gamerian Gaming Blog

What is Roguelike? Key Features, Top Games and More

You’ve probably heard of the term “roguelike” as you browse your favorite game stores, or if you are an avid gamer, chances are you might have played a few roguelike games yourself.  What is roguelike stands as a distinctive subgenre within role-playing video games, marked by the exploration of procedurally generated dungeons, turn-based gameplay, tile-based
How Many People Can Solve a Rubik's Cube Rubix Cube - The Gamerian Gaming Blog

How Many People Can Solve a Rubik’s Cube?

The Rubik’s Cube, a timeless and iconic puzzle, has fascinated people around the world since its invention. While many are intrigued by its colorful facets and challenging nature, only a select few possess the cognitive abilities to master the cube. We at The Gamerian were and still are part of the population of people who
500+ Badass Girl Gamertags to Unleash Your Inner Gaming Goddess - The Gamerian gaming blog

500+ Badass Girl Gamertags to Unleash Your Inner Gaming Goddess

Gamers, both boys and girls, know the importance of a badass gamertag. It’s a way to express one’s personality and leave a lasting impression on other players. However, finding the perfect gamertag can be a challenging task, especially for girls. That’s where our list of (hopefully helpful) badass girl gamertags come in! With the rise
How Much Gaming PC Storage Do I Need featured image - The Gamerian gaming blog gaming blogger

How Much Gaming PC Storage Do I Need in 2023? [ANSWERED]

When it comes to building a gaming PC, one of the most important factors to consider is storage. With the ever-increasing size of modern games, it’s crucial to have enough space to store all your favorite titles without sacrificing performance. So, how much storage do you need for a gaming PC in 2023? According to
18 Top Esports Games All Time Ranked by Prize Money featured image - The Gamerian Game Blogger

18 Top Esports Games All Time Ranked by Prize Money

In the ever-evolving landscape of competitive gaming, where lightning-fast reflexes meet strategic brilliance, the stakes are higher than ever before. Esports, a phenomenon that has taken the world by storm, has transformed video gaming into a billion-dollar industry, captivating audiences with thrilling competitions and jaw-dropping displays of skill.  But what truly sets the top esports